The year 2020 marked on the Terran Calendar yet another involuntary deviation from  the path to a Golden Age for an Entire Civilization

    On November 3rd 2020 the Last Island of Freedom, also known as the Unites States of America, located in the Northern Hemisphere of the Planet was successfully annexed  into the Pool of NEW WORLD ORDER controlled "Merger Countries" after the successful  execution of a well orchestrated Plot to remove the only Leader of "The Free Western World" which could have made a Golden Age for the Human Race Possible in "Time". His name is well known and joins the ranks of "Historical Mega-Personalities" which all have warned of runaway Corruption in the Political Arena and Financial Banking System
  2. The Global Elite bought, bribed and coerced "World Leaders" and entire Governments into working on the release of an artificially created Pandemic to destroy emerging Economies of Prosperity to the dismay of 300 plus million Citizens in the United States of America alone which have been robbed of their sovereign voices to determine the future and welfare of their homeland. The unilaterally imposed erosion of FREEDOM and "other" liberties including long held traditions is a carefully "managed" social-political process which spans the entire planet and is executed over decades
  3. "Friends of Terra" in "High" and distant "Realms" are now contemplating what could be done with this "RUNAWAY" Rogue Ruler Cabal to save the TERRAN Civilization from a social-political and environmental disaster. As a last resort to let Humanity address a dangerous Global State of Affairs without intervention [from EXTRA-TERRA Realms] for now it was decided to "infiltrate" BLOCKCHAIN Technologies into financial EcoSystems to see if this measure could spark "A peaceful Resolution". This is in progress now, pending necessary interventions in case the "BLOCKCHAIN FREEDOM MOVEMENT" would fail at which point a necessary "intervention" would have to  correct the problem.
  4. The Advent of "BLOCKCHAIN" Technologies has given rise to a REVOLUTION which will sweep away the proponents of the original Temple Money Changers [... the first "Bankers"] from Ages ago and will take with it the corrupt political rulers and paradigms of a failed society which was designed to plunder and ultimately destroy the cosmic island of peace an underdeveloped and helpless Civilization could call their only home, TERRA, which will now rise to correct the mistakes of the past. TERRAUNION, The People of Planet Earth, oppressed and insulted by their appointed Rulers for far too long, are finally attempting to break the chains of oppression with help of TERRABUSINESS Acknowledged Access Projects, also known as "A.S.A.P.s". News and Social Media Channels are trying to keep TERRABUSINESS's Activities suppressed at all cost but their attempts are failing while the World Economies and Global Financial Systems are collapsing at an increasing rate. ACTION must be taken BEFORE THE "POINT OF NO RETURN" approaches
  5. TERRABUSINESS is powered by TERRAUNION which will level the Global playing field to UNDO the damage misguided rulers have caused to ensure the survival of a civilization with great potential, which does not deserve to fade away into non existence on a mismanaged, abused Prison Planet but rather will be poised to thrive in SELF-GOVERNANCE while entering a new Golden Age, against all odds and resistance of a small but powerful rogue Ruler Cabal which sought and still is pursuing the destructive course of unilateral control of HUMANITY
  6. Know then ... That the Quantum-Multiversal-Clocks of the COSMOS are ticking very different to common beliefs and wait for nothing and no one
    The countless Mistakes made and crimes committed by unnecessary Governments and the "Few In Power" have harmed the TERRAN Civilization BEYOND ACCEPTANCE and will be addressed in kind to ensure the survival of HUMANITY as it was envisioned by those who saved this world from utter destruction not only ONE but MANY TIMES


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